Quality Assurance (QA) plays an essential role in every e-learning program, whether you’re operating solo or collaborating with a larger L&D team. At DevLearn 2024, I had the pleasure of chatting with several folks in the Articulate Experience Room about this. We discussed not only the software capabilities but also how to ensure the courses they create are high quality, and that everyone on their team is on the same page when it comes to best practices and expectations. We first addressed this question in 2016, and since then, we’ve
Wrapping Up 2023
2023 has been a busy and exciting year for us here at Yukon Learning! From new webinars, conferences, Articulate features, and team members (even the fluffy kind), 2023 sure has been full of excitement and growth. Read on as we reflect on this paw-some year! YL Give Back Program Continues! We continued our quarterly “YL Give Back” initiative this year, with our team devoting an afternoon each quarter to giving back to our local communities in a variety of ways. Some of the amazing ways our team members gave back
How Does Rise 360 Microlearning Differ from Rise 360 Courses?
One of the wonderful things about the Articulate 360 suite is that it’s constantly being updated with new features. With Rise 360, you don’t even need to install new updates, they’re just there the next time you open it! One of the most recent additions to Rise 360 is a “Microlearning” feature that allows for quick and easy course creation…because sometimes less is more. Continue reading as we put the spotlight on this “as heard in training” question: “How does the Rise 360 Microlearning feature differ from Rise 360 courses?”
How Can I Spice Up My Rise 360 Courses?
We take a break from our regularly scheduled programming around our hands-on Articulate 360 training to bring you this special “post webinar” post! Whew, that’s a mouth full. Now on to the spice…we recently hosted a free 1-hour webinar on “Spicing Up Your Rise 360 Courses” back in June. During said webinar, participants kept our team busy with all their great questions. So, BAM! We’re bringing the spice to the blog this month as well. Today, let’s review some of the top questions asked during this Rise 360 webinar and
Can I Create Templates in Rise 360?
You may know how quick and easy it is to develop beautiful, modern courses using Rise 360. It might be hard to imagine Rise 360 being any faster or easier, but we’re going to make things even simpler by repurposing e-Learning content you’ve already developed! Think about it…no more repetitive rebuilds across multi-module projects…just create and recycle. Or as we like to say, “Make it great and duplicate!” Repurposing content can be helpful when you have a design you’d like to carry consistently through one e-Learning course or over multiple