Quality Assurance (QA) plays an essential role in every e-learning program, whether you’re operating solo or collaborating with a larger L&D team. At DevLearn 2024, I had the pleasure of chatting with several folks in the Articulate Experience Room about this. We discussed not only the software capabilities but also how to ensure the courses they create are high quality, and that everyone on their team is on the same page when it comes to best practices and expectations. We first addressed this question in 2016, and since then, we’ve
How can I organize e-learning project assets for effective version control and file management?
Imagine this: A client that you haven’t heard from in a while contacts you and asks for a fire safety course that you delivered more than a year ago. Looking through your documents, you notice that you have three different fire safety courses. You wonder, “Hmm…Which one belongs to this client?” And not only that, but each of these courses has more than one version, with titles like: FireSafetyEvacuations_Final FireSafetyEvacuations_FINALFINAL_ FireSafetyEvacuations_NOforREALthisIStheFINALfinalFINAL The date modified timestamp might provide a clue to the file most recently edited, but how can you be
How Can I Keep My Course Assets Organized?
Do you ever find yourself with a collection of media you need to use in your e-Learning, but find it challenging to keep it all in order? “Which photos have I used…and where?” For this reason, many folks during our hands-on Articulate 360 training ask us if there’s a way to stay organized while developing in Storyline 360. The answer: yes! In our last blog post, we revealed some time-saving benefits of importing audio into Storyline 360’s Media Library…but wait, there’s more! Today we’ll explore other aspects of the Media
How Do I Change the Scene Numbers in My Storyline 360 Project?
NEW! As of August 2022, an Articulate-360-exclusive feature is now the most streamlined way to reorder scenes in Storyline 360. Learn how here! Developers using Storyline 3, however, read on and follow the steps listed below. In a previous blog entry, we addressed this and many other things to consider as you create your course. But this question comes up again, and again, so I wanted to revisit it, and provide you with yet another reason why it can be important. I like order rather than chaos. I like straight
What Should I Include on My e-Learning Design and Development Checklist?
As we move through our hands-on Articulate training covering the various settings and features of Storyline 360, we often mention, “You might want to add this item to your ‘QA’ checklist.” Many students have inquired about what is involved with creating such a list for quality assurance (QA). Let’s discuss the benefits of using a checklist before passing your project on for either internal or customer review, and then some tips and best practices for compiling your own. Why the Need for a Checklist? Think about the last time you