“When do I get my certificate?” It’s one of the most common questions we receive from learners who’ve taken our Articulate 360 training courses. Whether it’s for a classroom session or an e-learning course, learners LOVE certificates! And with good reason. Certificates act as tangible proof of achievement, showcasing the skills and knowledge learners have gained throughout a course. They’re a bit like getting a gold star sticker, but for grown-ups! Adding certificates to your e-learning courses not only keeps learners engaged, but also makes them feel accomplished. Many Learning
How Did You Build the Holiday Card?
Every year at Yukon Learning, we send our amazing customers and partners an end-of year holiday card. It’s a fun and creative exercise for our team, as well as a way to say “thank you” to our friends. Here are two past examples: Holiday Story Fill-In-the-Blank Card Yukon Village (360° image) Holiday Card In 2023, we picked a fight … a snowball fight that is! In case you missed it, you can check it out here. Not only did many of you pelt us with digital snowballs, we were also
How Can I Restrict Navigation on an Interactive Slide Only the First Time It’s Viewed?
We’ve heard that adult learners prefer having freedom in their e-learning courses, but there are times when we need to make sure they complete an interaction before moving on to the next slide. So, what if they revisit a restricted slide? We don’t want them to needlessly have to go through the interaction again, right? This is where some quick work with a True/False variable and some trigger conditions can come in handy. So, read on as we unlock this “as heard in training” question: “How can I restrict navigation
Can I Reset a Variable?
We explore all the variables of variables during our hands-on Storyline 360 training, and in doing so, we so often stumble upon e-Learning interactions that would benefit from a variable reset. Join us today as we answer this “as heard in training” question: “Can I Reset a Variable?” In Storyline 360 e-Learning development, there are many motivations to reset a variable, otherwise known as “initializing.” (And luckily, initializing a variable is easier than you might think—often requiring just one additional trigger.) Not only can initializing variables become necessary when developing
What If I Need the Stops in My Slider to Be Uneven?
In the final portion of our hands-on Advanced Storyline 360 training, we end the session with some fun, easy, and favorite features of mine: sliders and dials! During this segment, we task the students with creating a fairly simple interaction that we use often: showing a timeline of events. In that exercise, the slider has eight stops, and the stops are equal distance apart. When teaching this, however, we’re often asked, “What if I need my slider to stop at points that aren’t equal distance apart?” While there are varying