We are often asked this question when we teach the quizzing portion of Storyline 360. Selecting the answer and then asking the user to hit submit feels awkward for some designers. In this quick blog entry, we are going to show you a simple way that you submit an answer by simply clicking the choice.
Disclaimer: (usually read fast at the end of a commercial – don’t worry – no harmful side effects like constipation or rashes)
Before we show you how we probably need to tell you why this is not always a good idea. For example, it is not a great design for any kind of multiple response questions. This option is primarily for multiple-choice items, where the user can only make one choice (True/False, Multiple Choice, Pick One, Hot Spot, etc.) Any other type of question needs some sort of button for the user to select that indicates they are finished making their selections.
Another instance, where we have seen the “On Click” options create some confusion is on touch devices. There are often accidental selections that are made on touch devices due to sensitive screens and clumsy fingers. Having a “submit” option prevents someone from making an errant choice by accident.
Recommended Steps:
- Let’s insert a Multiple Choice or Pick One quiz question.
- Populate the question with your content.
- In Slide View, you will see the trigger associated with the Submit Button.
- Copy this trigger and paste it to each of the choices in the question (you can multi-select each choice object by pressing the CTRL key before you paste).
- Open Slide Properties and deselect the Submit Button from the Player Options.
The trigger normally associated with the Submit Button is now associated directly with each choice, therefore the submission now happens “On Click”.
As with everything in Storyline, that’s not the only solution. You can reduce your trigger count by creating one trigger that submits the interaction when the State of any of the choices is “Selected”. Unless you are concerned about the number of triggers on the slide, copying and pasting the submit trigger to each option is a faster development process and does not require any trigger editing.
Tip: Hotspot Questions have the “On Click” option built into the Question Properties. Choosing that option and deselecting the Submit Button in Slide Properties are the only steps needed for a Hotspot question to have this functionality.
If you decide you want or need this functionality, it is that simple. Let us know how it works for you. That’s Storyline and I’m sticking to it!
~ Ron
Amoz says
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Visit yukonlearning.com!
Z_Saadallah says
Nice and simple. thank you
Yukon Learning says
Our pleasure – glad it was helpful!