Imagine…a cacophony of simultaneous noises and voices competing on the same e-Learning slide. Have you experienced such chaos? From the sounds of it, this blog post may be just for you. So, now imagine…an incredibly simple solution. During our hands-on Storyline 360 training, we work with audio in various ways. There’s ample opportunity for the aforementioned hullabaloo of overlapping sound and this common “as heard in training” question: “Why is My Audio Overlapping?” If you peek at our e-Learning example here, we’ve created a common click-and-reveal interaction with audio in
Can I Delay Interactivity Until the Narration Ends?
When we teach interactive elements in our hands-on Articulate Storyline 360 training, someone will inevitably ask: “How do we keep learners from interacting until the narration ends?” This can be crucial in compliance-based e-Learning, ensuring the learners receive all content and don’t skip ahead. Let’s look at ways we can temporarily lock interactions for this “as heard in training” question. As you’ll undoubtedly hear us say in training: “There’s always more than one way to accomplish it in Storyline 360.” Today, we’ll discuss three methods for temporarily locking interactions. Method
Can I Make a Video Un-Clickable?
As many of you may know, if a Storyline 360 video is playing and a learner clicks on it, the video pauses. If they click it again, it resumes. Let’s answer the common “as heard in training” question: “How do I make videos un-clickable?” Why are videos clickable in the first place? Well, this click-to-pause design mimics how other software and social media use video. If you were watching a video on a platform like YouTube or Facebook right now, you would experience the same action. (Go ahead and try
How Can I Leverage an e-Reader Style Glossary in My e-Learning Courses?
The questions we address here on The Articulate Trainer originate with questions that our students ask during our hands-on Articulate training. Some are unique, while others are more commonplace. When discussing the Player, one question we are frequently asked is whether or not it’s possible to leverage the simplicity of an e-Reader glossary feature. As usual, there are many ways to make something like this happen. Let’s take a look at one possible solution. Building Your Slides The first step is to build your slide just as you normally would.
How Do I Create a Hotspot Question with More Than One Right Answer?
Day 2 of the Articulate Storyline 2 training starts with quizzing…in fact, a lot of Day 2 focuses on quizzing. From regular and free-form questions to question banks, branched scenarios, and even screen recording and simulation quizzing, we cover it all! In almost every class, when I show a hotspot type question, I’m asked, “Can I make a hotspot question have more than one correct answer?” Well, a hotspot question in itself cannot. However, never fear…the beauty of Storyline is that we get to think OUTSIDE the box! Take a