Every year, the Yukon Learning development team develops hundreds of courses across multiple industries and topics. Many of these customers are e-learning developers who have taken Articulate training with us and create their own courses. We often receive questions from these developers/students about some of the less tangible aspects of creating e-learning courses. Recently someone asked, “We’ve taken training from you, so we know how to use Storyline; but how do we create courses that look like the ones you’ve built for us? How can we tap into the same
How Can I Make a Dial More Engaging?
Want to create e-Learning that’ll spin your learners right round? Learning theory suggests that bestowing knowledge should involve actively engaging the learner because the more engaging your content is, the more easily it’s retained. In e-Learning, this requires creativity on the part of the developer! At Yukon Learning, we’re always striving toward newer, fresher interactions to shake things up for the learner. Plus, wouldn’t it be great if that unique interaction was fast to build, and meets accessibility guidelines? Enter: the custom Dial. With a Dial, learners rotate a knob