In this last post of the year, we’ll take some time to reflect on our journey through 2024 and look ahead to what 2025 has in store. Thanks for riding along with us, friend! “Oh the Places We’ve Been, and the People We’ve Met” It was great connecting with so many of you in 2024! Whether it was at one of the 7 conferences we attended this year, at our first in-person Open Enrollment workshop since the pandemic in Charlotte, or in our free webinar series, we hope you learned
Wrapping Up 2023
2023 has been a busy and exciting year for us here at Yukon Learning! From new webinars, conferences, Articulate features, and team members (even the fluffy kind), 2023 sure has been full of excitement and growth. Read on as we reflect on this paw-some year! YL Give Back Program Continues! We continued our quarterly “YL Give Back” initiative this year, with our team devoting an afternoon each quarter to giving back to our local communities in a variety of ways. Some of the amazing ways our team members gave back
Here’s to You, 2022!
People say that “time flies,” but we think that 2022 somehow acquired a jet pack! They also say this phenomenon happens “when you’re having fun.” Well, we can’t argue with that! This year brought more milestones for Yukon Learning and Articulate, as well as a lot of e-learning and a whole lot of fun. One for the Books at Yukon Learning What a year it’s been at Yukon Learning! Join us as we travel down memory lane… YL Give Back Program This year, Yukon Learning introduced our quarterly “YL Give
What is Your Favorite Storyline 360 Feature?
With Storyline 360’s ever-expanding collection of features and new updates year-round, we uncover a lot together in our hands-on Articulate 360 training, and it often begs the question: “What’s your favorite feature?” There are so many facets of Storyline 360 to choose from that the answer to this question varies for each one of us at Yukon Learning. So, let’s take a journey and find out from our Storyline 360 trainers at Yukon Learning the answer to this month’s “as heard in training” question… What do we love most about Storyline
That’s a Wrap, 2020!
We missed seeing so many of you this year, from in-person trainings to the conference floor, and we can’t wait to see you again. But the work and collaboration haven’t slowed down, and we’re so grateful to take a moment to look back at what we’ve been able to accomplish together. In 2020, we connected with thousands of e-Learning professionals like you through our virtual offerings, a five-part webinar series called “Beyond the Conference: Fresh Ideas for Using Articulate Storyline 360” (Find the recordings here!), by partnering with new trainers